The blog for people who have nothing better to do with their time.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Dude, That Sucks.

Everyone we know who has kids tried to tell us what parenthood would be like when Walker was still in my tummy and we had no idea how to even change a diaper. The most common remarks were "It changes your life", "Your life will never be the same", and "It's hard. But it's worth it."

Now almost 8 months after his arrival, I understand why people say these things. Because they don't know what else to say that says it any better. By "it's hard" I didn't understand that meant that some days you'd actually scream out loud because you were at your wit's end. Or that by "It changes your life" what people meant was "You-have-no-idea-how-much-this-will-change-your-life-really-no-idea-and-initially-you'll-panic-but-then-you'll-feel-so-happy-it'll-almost-make-you-sick.".

So the initial "life changing" statements seem bland when you're pregnant, you don't understand how much depth they represent or even how much truth. They're sort of underwhelming. Like when I was watching the news and there was a breaking news bulletin about a tragic plane crash. And whoever was standing next to me at the time commented, "Dude, that sucks." Yeah, it sure does. Over 100 people dead. Some entire families. Yup, that sucks alright. Big time.

Once, several months ago, Walker was smiling. Smiling was a new thing for him so therefore it was a new thing for us, too. He would even giggle if we forced it out of him by tickling him, kissing him, or hanging him upside down. After a round of particularly charming smiling, squealing, and laughing I looked at Jon, completely in the glow of new goofy parenthood, and said, "Wow, this is just like having a really awesome pet."

I don't think that's in danger of becoming a cliché any time soon.