The blog for people who have nothing better to do with their time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Signs of Spring.

1. 35 degrees feels like 50. I left the house today without my hat or gloves on and wearing a normal human-sized coat instead of the Michelin Man puff-o-matic mummy coat I usually wear. This was awesome.

2. No heat on in the car. No defrost. No 4-wheel drive. No sliding off the road. No white knuckling it. No windshield wipers scraping ice across my windshield so I can barely see out. None of that.

3. Owl hooting outside the window as Walker and I were hanging out in bed this morning playing "Can you say Mama?" "Da da." "How about Mama?" "Da da." "Mama?" "Thhhhhhhhh." "Mama?" "ZZzza Za." then we hear "Hoo hoo". I love owls.

4. Spider in the corner of the room. I wanted to kill it but felt this would be in opposition to the whole concept of Spring.

5. On my drive into work I passed a giant faceless, limbless snowman. He was holding a big picket sign. And it read—THE END IS NEAR.

You got that right, faceless limbless snowman.